20 Mar Resources to Lead Through Uncertain Times
You’ve been on my mind…
- Those working from home who haven’t done so for long stretches of time,
- Small business owners,
- Friends who live alone,
- People with compromised immune systems,
- Helpers who have the means to give more of themselves in times of need,
And the list goes on.
I’ve been leaning on a few actions and resources that have been helpful to me in the midst of uncertainty with COVID-19. These resources are listed below in the event they may bring comfort to you, too.
To be completely transparent with you, I’ve been feeling like a yo-yo lately. One minute I feel a great sense of discomfort and worry – “What’s going to happen with the economy? Will my parents be ok? How long will this last?” ” And then within hours, even minutes, I feel calm, hopeful and optimistic – “This is good! I’m learning to slow down, trusting that all will be well and am practicing vulnerability with friends.” Does anyone else feel this way?
Whenever I get frustrated with this emotional rollercoaster I’m on, I remember what many great teachers have said time and time again – BE PRESENT. What you are feeling in this moment is COMPLETELY OK. Sit with your thoughts and feelings. Feel them and allow them. Then return to gratitude, love and kindness for yourself and others.
My current mantra that I’ve been saying out loud to myself is, “All is well, and all will be well.”
If you need a kind word, someone to connect to, guidance or an open-mind person to listen to you, send me an email. Contact me here.
Cheering you on,
- The Calm app has shared resources that were previously available to paying clients. Here’s a link to their free resources.
- If you’re a member of the Calm app, I highly recommend listening to their Masterclasses on Gratitude (with Tamara Levitt) and Radical Self-Compassion (with Tara Brach.)
- PawsUp page on Instagram. Who doesn’t love a cute pet break? Our pets can be our greatest teachers.
- 6 Tips For Managing Remote Employees: How To Maintain Productivity And Engagement – I especially like the video check-ins with teams. Continue to ask, “How are you doing? How can I support you?” Please also share your vulnerability with your team. People want to know your challenges and how you’re addressing them.
- 7 Tips for Successfully Managing Remote Teams – I especially like the daily check-ins with teams. Try to use video as much as you can when doing them.
- Whereby.com – This is a video resource for those who may have a small business or want to engage with others for FREE as long as you like. No time limit. The only potential disadvantage is that you can only talk to 4 people or less.
- What Is Microsoft Teams, and Is It Right for My Business?
- Mindset Check-ins: Free Your Mind From Thoughts That Don’t Serve You – I wrote this blog post a while back and I’m revisiting these steps a lot.
- Gratitude Countdown! Gratitude has been a life-changing practice for me. I recently learned of this game – the Gratitude Countdown. You count down 10 things you’re grateful for and rapid fire. Try to make them specific and share them with a friend. Here are mine:
10. I’m grateful for the opportunity to snuggle with my dog several times a day.
9. I’m grateful for the warmer weather and all of the flowers in bloom.
8. The ability to take two walks a day now that I’m home more.
7. Reconnecting with friends I haven’t talked to in a while.
6. My pink holiday azaleas that haven’t died. Shocking!
5. The ability to drive to my parents’ home and work from there.
4. Technology to FaceTime, text and see those I love.
3. The ability to return to calm, hope and compassion.
2. All of the helpers. They are everywhere.
1. Health and well-being.
Now it’s your turn!