07 Aug 8 Recommended Books to Support You Professionally (and Personally)

I hope you’re enjoying a great summer! I’m currently escaping the Texas summer heat to spend time with my family in upstate New York. Hiking, laughing with my niece and exploring new places are just a few of my favorite things.
And speaking of favorite things, I’ve put a list together of 8 favorite books and videos I’ve enjoyed this year. If you’re seeking to up your leadership game, improve your performance or are exploring a new career path, may these recommended books and videos support you.
8 Recommended Books to Support You Professionally (and Personally)
- Big Potential by Shawn Achor – Shawn is a Harvard professor with a focus on the power of happiness. His latest book, Big Potential, is one full of great tactics for boosting team performance and collaboration. He brings research to life by sharing fun-filled examples of how when one person rises, we all do. Enjoy!
- The Power of the Other by Henry Cloud – A helpful book for leaders who want to create a safe environment for teams to provide honest feedback and transparency with entire teams and organizations. He demonstrates the unique power one person can have on others. I also recommend his other bestselling books, Boundaries and Boundaries for Leaders.
- Path Made Clear by Oprah – This is a great book for anyone seeking their purpose, pursuing a new career path or graduating from college. The book includes insights from experts in different genres. Check out her expert interviews in this FB video cast. You’ll be inspired.
- The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level by Gay Hendricks – The Big Leap is a book published nine year ago that I picked up this year. If you’ve heard the phrases, “up-leveling” or “your zone of genius,” they were made popular by Hendricks. I especially enjoyed his insights on self-sabotage and how to break through roadblocks to reach the next level.
- When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing by Daniel Pink – Daniel Pink is known for numerous best selling books, including A Whole New Mind and Drive. His latest book, When, explores how science can help us determine the best times to nurture strategic, creative and relationship activities. Here is a short Youtube video of Daniel Pink discussing some helpful tips about the science of time.
- Principles by Ray Dalio – Ray Dalio runs the world’s largest hedge fund, Bridgewater Associates, and is worth $18 billion. He claims to owe his success to the principles he lives by, including “radical truth” and “radical transparency.” This extensive book provides thought provoking principles to help us lead more successful, fulfilling businesses and lives. The television show, 60 Minutes, profiled Ray and his perspective on principles. Learn more in this 60 Minutes tv clip.
- Building a StoryBrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen by Donald Miller – Want to up your marketing and website game? Storybrand provides steps to clarify your business and website messaging to better engage with your customers. I also recommend his in-person training and free videos. I’ve found them very valuable.
- [Checklist] How to Negotiate the Promotion and Pay You Want – I created this checklist, because I’m passionate about helping you convey your value at work and get compensated appropriately. This negotiation checklist has been my most-downloaded resource thus far. If you haven’t downloaded it, check it out or forward it to a friend. When you’re ready to discuss your next steps, reach out to me to schedule a complimentary chat. You’ve got this!
Books Next on My List
The following books are on my list to read next:
- The Culture Code: The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups by Daniel Coyle
- Identity Leadership: To Lead Others You Must First Lead Yourself by Stedman Graham
- Love Works: Seven Timeless Principles for Effective Leaders by Joel Manby
- The Moment of Lift: How Empowering Women Changes the World – Melinda Gates
- Present Over Perfect: Leaving Behind Frantic for a Simpler, More Soulful Way of Living by Shauna Niequist
Your turn! What books, videos or podcasts have you found helpful this year? Please share. I’d like to add them to my list and tell others about your suggestions.
In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the rest of the summer and find time to recharge and reconnect.